

We solve your IT- problems.

We all face new challenges on a daily basis. Having optimally functioning information technology IT should not be one of them.

With Consertis you put your IT infrastructure into the hands of experts. Whether customized to your business requirements or as IT-support for your team, just how you need it. We offer special assistance to international businesses that are in the process of establishing themselves on the Austrian or other German speaking markets.

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IT Strategy & Consulting

find your customized IT department


IT Security

safe, secure, and not complicated


Local networks & Wi-Fi

optimizing connectivity


Microsoft 365

Your MS 365 Allround Worryfree Station

Laptop mit geöffneter Microsoft Teams Anwendung.

IT-Outsourcing from the first workstation

Holistic IT-management is complex, multi-faceted and constantly evolving

On-premise or cloud- based, we offer the right solutions for your business.

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Cloud solutions based in Austria

Work, office, business – everything is going more and
more digital, independent from physical location.

Nevertheless proximity and trust – guaranteeing
access and security – are evolving as increasingly important
factors in business

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Wolke mit Zahnrädern und "Austrian Cloud" Schriftzug.

Give your business data a secure and sustainable home in Austria with Consertis – because our servers

  • Are based in Austria, right in the heart of Vienna.
  • Offer legal security based on the EU’s legal framework – GDPR
  • Are protected by biometric access control system
  • Always maintain strong connectivity due to redundant dark fiber optical fiber links
  • Are powered 100% by renewable green energy such as hydro-power.
Lächelnder Mann mit Brille und Laptop.
consertis logo klein on dark

Why Consertis IT?


If a solution is not available on the market, we will develop it for you. And for us.

About Us

With us you can expect:

Uncomplicated, down-to-earth solutions

because IT is complicated enough.

Your personal contact

not only our customers like to stay.

Transparent, scalable costs

with us you always know what you are paying for!

Understandable offers

we refrain from technical talk and technical talk.

Free choice

whether local IT, everything in the cloud or a combination of both worlds.


our environment and social responsibility are matters particularly close to our hearts.

austrian cloud
aws certified cloud practitioner
aws certified developer associate
doorbird authorized partner
free switch
kanban systems design kmp1
microsoft certified systems engineer
microsoft silver partner
redhat certified system administrator
snom authorized partner
ubiquiti networks
veeam pro partner
vw ware registered partner
wildix partner gold
wildix w fe certified


IT management has the role of overseeing and managing a company’s information technology systems, precisely their hardware, software, and local IT networks. IT management then focuses on how to make the information systems in the company work most efficiently.

An equally important role of IT management is to help the company’s employees work better and more efficiently.

At Consertis, we also have a clear cost focus when it comes to IT management. We help you get your IT costs under control and to invest specifically only in the IT expenses that you really need at the given time. We support you in optimizing your IT processes so that you no longer need to deal with your IT on a day-to-day basis and can concentrate on your actual core business.

IT outsourcing means handing over parts or all of your company’s IT management to an external provider.

As IT becomes more complex and the demands on IT specialists become higher, it is much more efficient to “rent” these specialists externally than to hire them on a permanent basis. Outsourcing your IT gives your company the flexibility to easily increase or decrease your need for IT support. You only pay for what you need, when you need it. You have a dedicated team of experts who can respond to increasing demands, changing operations, customer needs or new technologies – all while keeping IT staffing costs lower and predictable.

With IT outsourcing, you benefit from routine software and security updates, robust disaster recovery, and the ability to focus your internal resources on developing your core business.

1st level support is your first point of contact when you need help with technical issues. Thus, it is also called Help Desk.

The 1st level support deals with all problems that have to be solved directly with the user (employee), e.g.:

– Setting up hardware for new users (employees)
– The creation of new users (employees)
– General software installations (client software, user software)
– Support for setting up an e-mail address,
– A software/application (Excel, Outlook, Adobe, etc.) does not start, crashes, causes problems
– The printer does not work
– etc.

1st level support filters incoming requests by support level and forwards to second level support accordingly if needed.

Technical support can be provided in a variety of ways depending on the support level or tier, including phone, email, live chat or video, chatbots, online tutorials and guides, or on-site.

In the case of more complex IT problems that no longer fall within the remit of 1st level support, 2nd level support is called in.

This concerns for example, more complex software installations (server software, etc.) and all issues related to the infrastructure of the company, e.g., server problems, maintenance of IT systems, and many more.

2nd level support can be provided remotely or on-site depending on the situation and complexity.

Managed Services are certain IT services or technologies for a fixed monthly price, which includes the entire operation (2nd level support, not 1st level support), maintenance and management for that IT service or technology.

Example: You want to use e-mail for your business

  • If you do NOT have a managed service for your email services, then you have to buy the email software and pay a technician to take care of the installation and operation (updates, 2nd level problem solving, etc,). This is both expensive and unpredictable. You can’t predict what your email server will cost you next month, as updates are always needed, or difficulties can arise.
  • On the other hand, Microsoft 365, for example, is a “managed service” for (among other things) email: You pay around 6,- EUR per month for your business email address and don’t have to worry about ANYTHING else regarding updates, 2nd level problem solving, etc., as these are all included in the fixed price.

At Consertis we offer the following managed services at fixed prices:

Microsoft 365, Microsoft 365 Backup, Endpoint Management, Endpoint Security, Webhosting, E-Mail hosting, Vtiger Hosting, Printer as a Service, Telephone Systems, WLAN, Telephony Hardware as a Service.

  • Principally, we provide you with fast and uncomplicated IT support. Even if you are not yet a Consertis customer and urgently need support, you can get it from us immediately at our hourly rate, which is billed every 15 minutes.
  • For all further projects, after a first analysis we know exactly what needs to be done. We then make an action proposal with a clear cost breakdown and recommendations for cost efficiency.
  • In the next step, we implement the agreed upon actions and take over your IT into general maintenance. In the best-case scenario, we work in the background, and you don’t need to have anything to do with IT.
  • You can contact us at any time, and we will solve your IT problems and concerns. In the same way, we are always there for you when you want to upgrade your company’s digitalization.Our team of project managers and IT experts are always on hand to help you with all your IT needs.

Just give us a call: +43 1 398 00 or

Send us an e-mail: or

Arrange your free and non-binding consultation right here:

We look forward to hearing from you.

We can help you out with your IT quickly straightforwardly. You can get support from us immediately.

For larger and more complex IT projects, we can give you an exact time frame right after our first analysis, depending on your business and IT infrastructure.

And there is absolutely no need for that. We recommend starting with a lean and well managed IT and upgrade only when needed. Your IT should save you money and not generate unnecessarily high costs.
We advise you on the various options in detail and you decide which solution is best for you.

That depends on which service you are using. For all services developed and operated by us, your data is located and stored exclusively in our data center in Austria (website hosting, managed server, managed backup, etc.).
For all Microsoft 365 products, your data resides on Microsoft’s servers in Frankfurt, Germany.

We support local IT, cloud, and all combinations thereof.

No. Although we are certified Microsoft engineers and partners, we are also certified AWS, Snom, Wildix, etc. engineers and partners. We recommend technologies based on the intended use and your requirements.

Absolutely. We have experience with this for over 10 years. We administrate businesses with over 60 workplaces out of our data center in Austria. We offer solutions based out of our own data center as well as in Azure (Microsoft Cloud) and VDI (Virtual Desktop Infrastructure).

You can reach our IT support and helpdesk Monday to Friday from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm. Currently we do not give SLAs (Service Level Agreements) for local support outside our business hours.

Consertis is a full-service IT and telecommunications company specializing in the needs of small and medium-sized businesses.
We serve customers from the 1st workstation. If your company consists of 1-300 employees, then you have come to the right place.

The fact that we are absolute specialists when it comes to IT and telecommunications, you will see right away. What also distinguishes us from other IT consultants is that you will love calling us, we promise. Because we’re nicer, friendlier, more personable, more empathetic, and we’ll take care of your IT needs without unnecessary technospeak.
Although we work with a ticket system, you are not a ticket for us. You can always count on nice and open communication at eye level.
